KAROL grúň

Karol Grúň is an executive spokesperson and a leader of the company. Karol’s role in EBH is the responsibility for crucial strategic decision making activities of the holding and his sister companies, where he represents companies in various statutory and supervisory authorities.

Karol is also the executive chairman of the board of directors in the hotel and tourism holding Best Resorts Properties a.s. The holding covers companies in EU countries that own and manage hotel and recreational resorts and properties mainly intended for tourism. Among the leading projects of the BRP holding, there is also the Sankt Johannes project in Jánská dolina. Lastly, Karol is also responsible for the management and the leadership of the company SiBET s.r.o., whose main focus is the production of decorative facing stone. Karol is currently preparing the company for growth and expansion into several EU countries through the establishment of a new holding company.